User Rights and Permissions (W5)

This version is superseded. Click here to view the latest guide.


This document explains the procedures on how to set user rights and permissions in the system.


Setting user rights and permissions allows the controlling of user access to various areas in the system. This ensures that users have permission to only access the relevant features in the system – various modules and user administration.


1. Click on Set Up > Global > User and Rights.


2. In the User screen, click on New and it will show the screen below.


3. Type the preferred user name in the User ID field. Language is in English by default. Valid To date is defaulted to 31 Dec 2099, but it can be changed.

4. Enter a valid email address. Required for system to send email instruction for resetting password or verification code if the setting for device activation is enabled. Any Email alert or report scheduling can also be sent to this Email.

5. Tick on the No IP Restriction checkbox if you do not wish the system to limit your access from a restricted IP range only. Default is unchecked. See security recommendations for CS Lucas.

6. Enter your current password. For security reason, system required you to enter your current password before creating a new user to avoid any unauthorised creation and approval.

Note: If you wish to skip entering password, you need to have additional access rights 10359 Skip Password Check (Category: User Permission) assigned to yourself. System will skip the check that password is required when creating/ saving user. Please request for your administrator to assign you this access rights.


7. At this point, you can click Save to create new user as all mandatory fields are filled out.

8. Alternatively, click on Show Advance to expand the New User screen and add more information about the user being set up. This is an optional step.


9. On the Advance screen, you may fill out the full name.

10. In the Department field, you may choose from the dropdown. If you want to set a new one, it can be added in the User Definable screen. See User Definable for more details.

11. You would need to enter your current password on the Advance screen again for security reason as explained above.

Note: If you wish to skip entering password, you need to have additional access rights 10359 Skip Password Check (Category: User Permission) assigned to yourself. System will skip the check that password is required when creating/ saving user. Please request for your administrator to assign you this access rights.

12. After filling the fields, click on Save. The screen will show this message if user creation is successful: “The user has been successfully created. The user’s password has been set to be the same as the user id. User is strongly recommended to change this immediately.”

13. Click on Continue.

14. The new user will need approval. To obtain this, click on the checkbox next to the User ID you just created, then click on Approve. Once approved, the user can start logging into the system.

15. To assign permissions to the user, click on the User ID that was created. The Amend User screen will display.


16. Click on Assign Group. In the Assign Group Membership screen, click on the checkbox beside the user group you want the user to have access to, then click Add.


17. Enter your current password.

Note: If you wish to skip entering password, you need to have additional access rights 10359 Skip Password Check (Category: User Permission) assigned to yourself. System will skip the check that password is required when saving group membership. Please request for your administrator to assign you this access rights.


18. Click on Save.

19. For the change to take effect, an approval is needed. Click on the checkbox next to the user ID that was amended and click Approve. On the popup, click Ok. The user now has rights to access the user group set.


FAQ01. I do not see my desired User group. What can I do?  

To learn how to set up a User Group, click here.

FAQ02. Can a user be disabled automatically after inactivity for a certain number of days?

Yes, this is possible to set up. By default, it is not set.

Please contact CS Lucas to set this up. System can disable a user after certain number of days for e.g. 90 days. If the user has not logged in to the system for more than 90 days, the user account will be disabled. The threshold needs to be set up by CSL.


User Groups and Assigning Permissions

Import User and User Group Assignment

Assigning User Group to Users





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