User Preference Set Up (W5)

This version is superseded. Click here to view the latest guide.


This document shows the detailed procedures for setting up user preferences in CS Lucas system.


These set ups are required for setting user dealing limit for transactions, user defaults and saving the authentication details for connecting to FTP/SFTP server for file transfer.


1. From the main menu, select Set Up > Global > User and Rights. The User screen displays.

2. Click on the user ID hyperlink in the listing to drill down to Amend User screen.

3. Click Preference. The User Preference screen displays.


4. The fields in the User Preference set up are used for the following purposes:

 I.      Set Up User Dealing Limit
II.     Set Up User Defaults
III.    Set Up Authentication Details for FTP/SFTP User
IV.    Others
V.     Bloomberg Integration

I. Set Up User Dealing Limit

Deal Limit Ccy

This is to set the user dealing limit currency for booking transaction. This is associated with the deal limit maintained in the User Preference screen.

Click on the Deal Limit Ccy hyperlink.

Select the currency from the drop down field.


Click Update.

Deal Limit: Ccy Option

This is to set the dealing limit for booking Currency Options trade. The dealing limit set is per transaction limit.

Click on the Deal Limit: Ccy Option hyperlink

Key in the limit amount.


Click Update.

Deal Limit: FX/NDF

This is to set the dealing limit for booking Foreign Exchange or Non-Deliverable Forward trade. The dealing limit set is per transaction limit.

Click on the Deal Limit: FX/NDF hyperlink.

Key in the limit amount.


Click Update.

Deal Limit: Investment

This is to set the dealing limit for booking Investment trade. The dealing limit set is per transaction limit.

Click on the Deal Limit: Investment hyperlink.

Key in the limit amount.


Click Update.

Deal Limit: MM Borrowing

This is to set the dealing limit for booking Money Market Borrowing trade. The dealing limit set is per transaction limit.

Click on the Deal Limit: MM Borrowing hyperlink.

Key in the limit amount.


Click Update.

Deal Limit: MM Deposit

This is to set the dealing limit for booking Money Market Deposit/Lend trade. The dealing limit set is per transaction limit.

Click on the Deal Limit: MM Deposit hyperlink.

Key in the limit amount.


Click Update.

II. Set Up User Defaults

Default Accounting Centre

This set up is to set the default accounting centre that the user will use.

Click on the Default Accounting Centre hyperlink.

Choose the accounting centre from the dropdown.


Click Update.

Default Currency

This is to set the default currency that the user will use.

Click on the Default Currency hyperlink.

Choose the currency from the dropdown.


Click Update.

III. Set Up Authentication Details for FTP/SFTP Users

FTP Home Directory

This is to set the FTP home directory.

Click on the FTP Home Directory hyperlink.

Key in the home directory in the text box and click Update.

FTP Host Key

This is to set the FTP Host Key.

Click on the FTP Host Key hyperlink.

Key in the host key in the text box and click Update.


This is to set the FTP/SFTP IP address.

Click on the FTP IP hyperlink.

Key in the IP address in the text box and click Update.

FTP Password

This is to set the FTP user password.

Click on the FTP Password hyperlink.

Key in the password in the text box and click Update.

FTP Port

This is to set the FTP port.

Click on the FTP Port hyperlink.

Key in the port number in the text box and click Update.

Note: If left blank, default port 22 will be used.

FTP Protocol

This is to set the FTP Protocol.

Click on the FTP Protocol hyperlink.

Choose from the drop down whether Secure/ Unsecure FTP and click Update.

FTP SSH PK File Name

This set up is required for file transfer to SFTP server. This is to specify the private key file name.

Click on the FTP SSH PK File Name hyperlink.

Key in the private key file name and click Update.


This is to set the FTP user ID.

Click on the FTP User ID Hyperlink.

Key in the user id in the text box and click Update.

IV. Others

Disallow Authorisation of Unverified Trades

This is a set up to allow or not allow the user to authorize unverified trades. If Yes is chosen, the user will not be able to authorize unverified trades in the system.

Choose Yes or No from the dropdown.


Click Update.

Mobile Number

This is to save the mobile number of the user for information purpose.

Click on the Mobile Number hyperlink.

Key in the mobile number in the text box and click Update.


V. Bloomberg Integration

Integration String

This is currently used for importing Money Market and Foreign Exchange trades from Bloomberg. Key in the Bloomberg trader ID in this field.

Click on Integration String.


Enter the ID from Bloomberg (Note: This is Trader ID from the Bloomberg integration file). Example: Bloomberg:25605413

Click Update.

Note: This setting needs to be done for users that would be trading Foreign Exchange and Money Market on the Bloomberg platform.


FAQ01. How to set up a FTP user?

In order to set up a FTP user, user must set up the necessary details in User Preference screen.

In User Preference screen, set up the required authentication details for FTP/SFTP User as below.
For more details on how to “Set up Authentication Details for FTP/SFTP Users” refer point III above.


1. Key in the FTP Home Directory in text box and click update.


2. Key in the FTP Host Key in text box and click update.


3. Key in the FTP IP address in text box and click update.


4. Key in the FTP Password in two text boxes and click update.


5. Key in the FTP Port in text box and click update.


6. Select FTP Protocol from the drop down and click update.


7. Key in the FTP Private Key file name and click update.


8. Key in the FTP User ID in the text box and click update.


9. Attach the FTP private key file to the filestore. The name of the file must match what user had entered in the “FTP SSH PK File Name” field in User Preference screen in step 7 above. In order to attach the private key, please follow below steps.

1. Go to Setup -> User and Rights -> User -> select the User.

2. In Amend User screen, click on File/Note icon blank .

3. The Documents and Notes screen will be displayed. You will see two tabs: (1) Notes (2) Documents.

4. To attach file, click the Documents tab.

5. Type the description of the document on the Description* field. It is a free text to identify the file later.

6. Click on “Choose File” to upload the private key file (file name should match as said above).

7. Click  blank to save.

For more details on Document and Notes, click here.







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