This document provides detailed steps on how to maintain SSI signatories.
This screen allows you to keep track of the SSI signatories, and their roles, who are authorized to sign on an account to transfer money or sign cheques, etc.
1. Before maintaining the SSI signatories, you need first to set up the authorized signatory names in the system. To do this, click on Set Up > Static > Settlement Instructions from the main menu.
2. Then, click Signatory.
3. From the Signatory screen, click + button to create a new line item and Write button to add/ edit the signatory name.
4. Key in the signatory name in the text box and click Check button to save.
5. Once is saved, system will show a message that the signatory is updated successfully.
6. New or amended signatory names require approval. Approve the newly created signatory name by a tick on the check box and click Action and Approve.
7. A pop up appears, click Yes.
8. Signatory name is approved.
9. Next, to maintain signatory details, click on the signatory name in the Signatory listing; in this example, John. You will be brought to the Signatory Maintenance screen.
10. Click on + button to maintain signatory details.
11. Select the accounting centre that the signatory name is authorized to sign.
12. Select the SSI. You can select to sign for a specific SSI or [ALL] for all SSIs under the accounting centre selected in the earlier step.
13. Select the roles of the signatory name. This is optional. The roles are user definable and this can be set up under Set Up > Global > User Definable > Search for Signatory Roles. See How to Create User Definable Field for details.
Note: Roles are not required if CTPY/SSI selected is [ALL] and will be defaulted to “-“ by the system.
14. Enter any remarks you have in the Remarks field. This is optional.
15. When completed, click Update.
16. To edit, click Write button.
17. Make the changes in the fields provided above the listing and click Update.
18. Once the maintenance is done, click Cancel button to return to Signatory screen.
19. Approve the signatory name.
20. The signatory also can be viewed when you drill down on the SSI from the Accounting Centre SSI listing screen. For example, John is the authorised signatory for TF-CI-SGD under the TFS-SG accounting centre. Click the Edit button of this SSI to the Amend Accounting Centre SSI screen, then click Assigned Signatory. You will be able to see the authorized signatory for the selected SSI.
21. A report can be retrieved from the system for the SSI signatory maintenance. Navigate to Reporting > Standard. Search by report id 1027 or report name Signatory Listing by Ctpy and SSI. See sample report below.