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This document describes how to import interest rates into CS Lucas system.
Import interest rate makes the maintenance of interest rates handier and saves user’s time as multiple interest rates can be imported into the system at one time.
1. From the main menu, select Prices > Interest Rate.
2. Click Import. The Import Interest Rate screen will be displayed.
3. Click Template to download the import template. The drive folders will display. Save the import template on the local drive of your computer.
4. Choose the file location to save the import template and click Save.
5. Open the import template.
6. Fill in the mandatory(*) fields as below.
Column Name | Description |
Date* | Enter date. |
Ctpy Grp* | Enter short name of the counterparty group. |
CtpyID* | Enter short name of the counterparty. Counterparty short name must exists in the system and is a member of the counterparty group. |
Ccy* | Enter the currency short name. |
Type* | Enter as Lend/Place or Borrow/Loan. |
Time Bucket* | Enter the time bucket short name. |
Bucket Tenor* | Enter the bucket tenor. This is the description for the bucket tenor set up in the time bucket. |
Rate* | Enter interest rate. |
7. Fill in the interest rates for different tenors and counterparties.
8. When completed, save the import file.
9. Back to the Import Interest Rate screen, click the checkbox beside Read File.
10. Click Choose File. Search for the import file saved previously.
11. Click Read File.
12. If there is an error, the system will prompt the user with the errors. In that case, edit the template in your drive, save, and upload to the system again.
13. When no errors are detected, the items entered in the template will be displayed in the Import screen.
14. Click Load, a popup will appear, click OK.
15. The system will prompt that the interest rates are successfully loaded.
16. Click Back Button to return to Interest Rate Maintenance screen.
17. To view the imported interest rates, choose Ctpy Group, Ccy, Date, and Type, and click Refresh. The interest rates that successfully imported will be displayed.
FAQ01. I do not have rights to import interest rate.
Import interest rate requires access rights 12521. Please check with your administrator to grant you the required rights.