Entity Preference Set Up

See previous W5 version guide


This document shows the detailed procedure of setting up entity preferences for accounting posting/ integration, signatory names for confirmation, letter preferences, ICD integration and Bloomberg integration.


These set ups are required for accounting journals posting, printing confirmation/settlement letters with signatory names, printing customised confirmation letters, reading MMF trades from ICD and reading Money Market and Foreign Exchange trades from Bloomberg.


1. To navigate to Entity Preference, click Set Up > Static > Accounting Centre. The Accounting Centre screen displays.

2. Click on the Edit button of the accounting centre in the listing to drill down to Amend Accounting Centre screen.

3. Click Preference. The Entity Preference screen displays.


4. The fields in the Entity Preference set up are used for the following purposes:

I.    Accounting Journals Posting/ Integration
II.   Signatory Name Set Up
III.  Letter Preference Set Up
IV.  Accounting Centre Region Tagging
V.   ICD Integration
VI.  Bloomberg Integration

I. Accounting Journals Posting/ Integration

The following explains the fields used/ required for accounting journals and integration to external accounting system.

Accounting Ex Rate

This set up will allow system to pick the appropriate accounting exchange rates to use for journaling. This set up is not required if all entities are using the same set of accounting exchange rates.

To set accounting exchange rates, click on the Accounting Ex Rate hyperlink.

Select from the drop down field the appropriate accounting exchange rates to use for the entity instead of the accounting rates that are used by the enterprise globally.


The Accounting Ex Rate Type is user definable and can be maintained under Prices > Exchange Rate > Rate Type. See Maintaining Entity Specific Accounting Exchange Rates.

If Default is selected, system will use the accounting exchange rates maintained for the whole enterprise.

Click Update.

Accounting ST/LT Mapping

This set up allows system to classify Money Market and Term Loan transactions into Long Term (>365 days) or Short Term (<= 365 days) in accounting journals.

Click on the Accounting ST/LT Mapping hyperlink, select Yes if you wish to classify into Long Term or Short Term. System default is No.


Click Update.

The classification of long term or short term is determined at the point of transaction booking. System does not re-classify when the Money Market or Term Loan transactions gradually become short.

Accounting System

Required for accounting journals posting/ integration. This is to set up the accounting integration file format that will be used for journals posting to client’s accounting system.

Click on the Accounting System hyperlink. Select the accounting integration file format from the drop down field. I.e. SAP Tab Delimited Format 001.


Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of which file format to be used.

Click Update.

Auto Post Journal

This set up is for auto release journals for posting.

By default, Auto Post Journal is set to “No”. All ready journals are “Hold” [H] until released for posting.


If Auto Post Journal is set to “Yes”, system will automatically release all “Ready” journals for posting. Released journals are marked as “Ready[R]”.


Click on the Auto Post Journal hyperlink. Select Yes if you wish to set to auto release journals for posting.


Click Update.

Company Code

This set up is to reference to company code used in client’s accounting system.

Click on the Company Code hyperlink.

Enter the company code.


Click Update.

Divisions (D1/C1/P1,D2/C2/P2)

This set up is for maintaining accounting centre divisions: Business Areas, Cost Centres and Profit Centres so that users can select this information during trade booking.

Click on the Divisions hyperlink.

The set up for the Divisions is in the format below:

[Business Area]/[Cost Centre]/[Profit Centre], [Business Area]/[Cost Centre]/[Profit Centre]

It is technically possible to have multiple cost centres and profit centres per business area. This would need to be set up as

BA1/CC1/PC1, BA1/CC2/PC2

If you want an item to be default for a particular accounting centre, set it as the first item. For example, if BA1/CC3/PC3 is to be set as default, then maintain it as

BA1/CC3/PC3, BA1/CC1/PC1, BA1/CC2/PC2

The comma as the first item will force a blank row to begin. This means that the system does not set the default but force the user to explicitly select an item.


Click Update.

This set up will give a list like the below in the transaction booking screen.


If there is no division maintained, then the AcctCntr Division field will not be displayed in the transaction booking screen.

ERP Encryption Method

This is to set the encryption method used for transferring accounting file posted from CS Lucas to external ERP system.

Click on the ERP Encryption Method hyperlink.

Select the encryption method whether AES Crypt or OpenPGP.


Click Update.

ERP Encryption OpenPGP PK Recipient

This is to set the recipient name of the private key used for OpenPGP encryption.

Click on the ERP Encryption OpenPGP PK Recipient hyperlink.

Enter the recipient name


Click Update.

ERP FTP Profile (User)

This set up is to set the user id that is used to authenticate and connect to FTP server for journals posting.

This user id must be set up under “User” screen and save the authentication details under “User Preference” screen.

Click on the ERP FTP Profile (User) hyperlink.

Select the user id from the drop down field.


Click Update.

ERP File Path

During journals posting, system will generate a file that can be read by the external accounting system. This file will be saved to a common file system location so that external accounting system can retrieve it.

To set up this file path where the accounting integration file will be saved to, click on the ERP File Path hyperlink.

Enter the file path:

a. If the file is to save to the local server, set up the file path like below:


b. If the file is to save to staging server that is within the network, set up the file path like below:

\\<staging server IP>\Integration\TFS

Note: Folders (“Integration” and “TFS”) need to be created in the server. “TFS” in this example is the folder created for TFS-SG (entity) so that all the journal posting file for TFS-SG will save in this folder.


Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the file path to set.

Click Update.

ERP Posting Log File Path

This is to set up the file location of the journals posting log file.

Click on the ERP Posting Log File Path.

Enter the file path:

a. If the file is to save to the local server, set up the file path like below:


b. If the file is to save to staging server that is within the network, set up the file path like below:

\\<staging server IP>\Integration\Log

Note: Folder “Integration” and “Log” need to be created in the server.

Two or more entity may share the same folder. In this case, these accounting centres logging will go into a single log file for that date.

If you wish for each entity to have their own log file, then you set up different folder location for each entity. For example:


Note: Folders (“Integration”, “Log” and “TFS”) need to be created in the server. “TFS” in this example is the folder created for TFS-SG (entity).


Click Update.

Schedule Journal Posting

By default, ready released journals are not posted automatically. This set up is to allow the system to automatically post journals.

Click on the Schedule Journal Posting hyperlink. Select “Yes” from the drop down field.


Click Update.

When this is set to “Yes”, the journals posting will be done automatically at system scheduled interval and manual posting will not be necessary.

Schedule Journal Processing

The default setting for Schedule Journal Processing is No. That means the system does not automatically recreate the journals.

To set to automatically recreate journals, click on the Schedule Journal Processing hyperlink. Select “Yes” from the drop down field.


Click Update.

When this is set to “Yes”, the journals processing will be done automatically at system scheduled interval and manual recreating journals will not be necessary.

Tax Code

This is to maintain the withholding tax code that can be tagged to Money Market journals in CS Lucas system so that this information can be passed to external accounting system.

This set up is required only for certain accounting treatment in CS Lucas.

Click on Tax Code hyperlink.

Maintain the tax code as follows:


If you want an item to be default for a particular accounting centre, set it as the first item. For example, if TC3 is to be set as default, then maintain it as


The comma as the first item will force a blank row to begin. This means that the system does not set the default but force the user to explicitly select an item.



Tax Type

This is to maintain the withholding tax type that can be tagged to Money Market journals in CS Lucas system so that this information can be passed to external accounting system.

This set up is required only for certain accounting treatment in CS Lucas.

Click on Tax Type hyperlink.

Maintain the tax type as follows:


If you want an item to be default for a particular accounting centre, set it as the first item. For example, if TT3 is to be set as default, then maintain it as


The comma as the first item will force a blank row to begin. This means that the system does not set the default but force the user to explicitly select an item.



Click Update.

Trading Partner Code

This is to maintain the trading partner code of the accounting centre. This information is passed in the accounting integration file that can be read by external accounting system.

Click on the Trading Partner Code hyperlink.

Enter the trading partner code.


Click Update.


II. Signatory Name Set Up


This is to set up the signatory name for printing trade confirmation letters.

Click on the Signatory hyperlink.

Maintain the signatory names as follows:

, George Lee, Joanna Kim, John Peter

The comma as the first item will force a blank row to begin. This means that the system does not set the default but force the user to explicitly select an item.


Click Update.

This set up will appear like this in the Confirmation screen.


III. Letter Preference Set Up

Letter preference set up is necessary only when you wish to use the customised letters and overwrite the standard letters generated by the system. Letter preference can be set for the following transactions:

FX Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the FX confirmation letter.

Click on the FX Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the FX confirmation letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

Click Update.

Investment Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the Investment confirmation letter.

Click on the Investment Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the Investment confirmation letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

MM Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the Money Market confirmation letter.

Click on the MM Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the Money Market confirmation letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

Click Update.

Partial Rollover MM Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the Money Market partial rollover letter.

Click on the Partial Rollover MM Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the Money Market partial rollover letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

Click Update.

Rollover MM Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the Money Market full rollover letter.

Click on the Rollover MM Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the Money Market full rollover letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

Click Update.

Settlement Letter Preference

This set up is to set the file location of the Settlement letter.

Click on the Settlement Letter Preference hyperlink.

Set up the folder location like below:


Note: Folders (“Belsize” and “UserReports”) must be created in the server and JRXML file of the Settlement letter must be saved in the folder location.

Please check with CS Lucas if you are unsure of the folder location and file name to set to.

Click Update.

IV. Accounting Centre Region Tagging

AcctCntr/ Ctpy Group

The counterparty drop down field in the facility set up can be restricted to the same region of the accounting centre. This is so that the counterparty drop down field only display the counterparty of the same region as the accounting centre to prevent users from selecting the wrong ones when the counterparty list is long.

To tag the region grouping for the accounting centre, click on the AcctCntr/ Ctpy Group hyperlink.

Select the grouping from the drop down field.


Click Update.

For counterparty region tagging, this is done in Set Up > Static > Counterparty > Click on the counterparty to drill down to Amend Counterparty > Click Preference > “Acct Cntr/ Ctpy Group” field.

Note: The grouping in the drop down field is user definable set up.

Set Up > Global > User Definable


See guide on User Definable Set Up for more details.

V. ICD Integration

ICD MMF Trades File Path

This is to set the path where the files (MMF Trades) from ICD will be retrieved.

Click on the ICD MMF Trads File Path hyperlink.

Enter the file path.


Click Update.

VI. Bloomberg Integration

Integration ID

This is currently used for importing Money Market and Foreign Exchange trades from Bloomberg. Key in the Bloomberg accounting centre name in this field.

Click on the Integration ID hyperlink.

Enter the accounting centre name from Bloomberg (Note: This is Aloc Account from the Bloomberg integration file)
Example: Bloomberg:Timber Financial Services


Click Update.

Note: This setting needs to be done for all the accounting centres that would be trading on the Bloomberg platform.

5. After updating is done, approve the entity in the Accounting Centre screen.


FAQ01. I amended the accounting centre division in the entity preference set up, however it does not automatically updated in the accounting centre division tagged in the existing trade. Why?

When the accounting centre division is amended, system marks it as deleted and the newly amended accounting centre division will not be automatically updated for the existing trades. Once amended in the Entity Preference, you need to update the trade to tag against the correct AcctCntr Division. The deleted accounting centre division will be shown in bracket, e.g. [/8100].



Accounting Journals Management

Electronic Banking/ Settlement

How to Create User Definable Field

Maintaining Entity Specific Accounting Exchange Rates





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