This document shows the detailed procedures on how to import facility limit in the system.
This allows import of facility limits as a bulk if you have many to create or during the initial set up of the system where you need to migrate existing data.
1. From the main menu, select Set Up > Risk > Facility.
2. Choose the Accounting Centre and click Refresh . System will show the list of facility created in the system.
3. Click the Edit button of any one of the facility.
4. Click Limit. The screen below displays.
5. Click Import.
6. Click Template to download the CS Lucas template for importing facility limit.
7. Save the file and open. An Excel sheet will be opened.
8. Input values in the Excel sheet. Fields with asterisk (*) are mandatory. For more information on each field, see how to create facility and limit .
9. Save the file in the computer.
10. Go back to Import Facility Limit screen, tick on Read File.
11. Click Choose File. Look for the Excel sheet saved.
12. Click Read File. The values inputted in the Excel file will displays.
13. If there is an error, the user will be prompted with the rows to be corrected. To make corrections, go to the template to make the necessary corrections and click Read File again.
14. If there is no error, click Load.
15. When a pop up appears, click Yes.
16. You will see the message below once successfully loaded.
17. Click Cancel button to return to Facility screen.
18. Approve the facilities by ticking the checkbox beside the facility short name.
19. Click Action and Approve. A popup appears to confirm, click Yes.
How to Create Facility and Limit