Export/ Import TL Repayment Schedule

See previous W5 version guide


This document describes the procedures for exporting and re-importing term loan repayment schedule.


This allow updating/ overwriting an existing schedule via importing from an Excel and is a faster way to update the term loan repayment schedule instead of manually update individual items in the system. This way, it provides user the flexibility to amend the entire repayment schedule in Excel before importing it back into the system.


1. From the main menu, click on Transaction > Term Loan.

2. Filter out the term loan transaction that you wish to amend or update the repayment schedule by selecting the accounting centre from the drop down box and maturity from date. Click Refresh.


3. Click on the Edit button of the trade to be amended. In this example, TML100006.00 is chosen.

4. This brings you to the Amend Term Loan screen. Click Repayment to go to Amend Term Loan Repayment screen.


5. To update the existing schedule using import, first you need to export the existing schedule out to an Excel. To do that, click on Action and select export XLS.

6. A popup will appears. Choose to open or save the file.

7. Open the saved file.

8. The repayment schedule exported to Excel will look like the below. All existing repayment items including booked and unbooked items will be exported out.


9. Amend the repayment schedule exported in the Excel and saved it in your workstation’s local drive once completed.

10. Please note on the rules and validation checks before importing the repayment schedule into the system:

a) Periodic items exported can be amended, new items can be added and existing items can be deleted.

b) New periodic item can only be inserted after the last booked periodic item’s End Date.

c) New periodic item cannot be inserted before the transaction’s VDate.

d) New periodic item cannot be inserted after the transaction’s MDate.

e) First periodic item’s End Date must be same as transaction’s VDate and cannot be amended or deleted.

11. In this example, we will add additional drawdown of 5 million on 15 July 2018 and amend the interest rate and interest amount from 15 June 2018 onwards.


12. To import the amended repayment schedule back into the system, click Import button from the Amend Term Loan Repayment screen.

*Note: Import of the repayment schedule is not allowed when reset rates is available for the trade. You will be prompted if the trade has reset rates table maintained.


13. The screen below appears.


14. Tick on Read File checkbox. Click Choose File. Look for the saved file.


15. Click Read File. System will read only the periodic items where the End Date is after the last booked periodic item’s End Date. Note that all imported interest amount will be fixed/ locked.


16. If there is an error, the user will be prompted with the rows to be corrected. To make corrections, go to the saved Excel file to edit and import again.

17. If there is no error, click Load. Click Yes on the pop up that appears.


18. You will see message below once successfully loaded.


19. Click Cancel button to return to Amend Term Loan Repayment screen. The repayment schedule is updated.


20. System also keeps an image of the imported repayment schedule in the audit log. To view the audit log, click on the File/Note Button.

21. The screen below appears.


22. Click the subject to view the change log. An image of the change log will open in a new Tab.



FAQ01. Does the system recalculates the interest amount using import?

When using import function in CS Lucas system, system gives flexibility for users to overwrite the system values and does not recalculate the interest amount. During import, system will load the values as per in the import file and set the interest amount to Locked? = Y for imported periodic items.

FAQ02. Does the system checks for facility limit using import?

No, system does not checks for facility limit for import as the intention was to give flexibility for users to overwrite system values.


Amend Term Loan and Repayments





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