Chart of Accounting Mapping (W5)

This version is superseded. Click here to view the latest guide.


This document describes how entities may set up and map a CS Lucas account type to the external accounting system’s account type. 


This step is important for the system to determine how the generated journals of an entity should be mapped to the reference of an external accounting system.


1. From the main menu, select Set Up > Static > Chart of Accounts.


2. Choose the Accounting Centre from the dropdown.

3. Select Account Type. In this example, 0100: MMK – Deposit.

4. Click Refresh. The screen that will be displayed will depend on the mapping dimension for the selected Account Type. In this example, the mapping dimension for the MMK – Deposit account type is mapped by counterparty ID. CITI-SG will be selected.

5. Click Refresh.  The screen below will be displayed.


6. In order to map the counterparty to a General Ledger (GL) account number, enter the number in the Mapped Account field.

7. Description field is optional. Key in description for the mapped account, if any.

8. Click Save.

9. If multiple counterparties will be assigned with an account number, leave CtpyID field blank and click Refresh.  System will list out the mapped accounts for all the counterparties set up in the system.


10. Input the GL account number beside the Apply Mapped Account field, then click on the tick box of the counterparties to apply the GL account number.


11. Click Apply Selected. Only selected items are mapped with the GL account number entered in the Apply Mapped Account field.


12. To apply all, click on the Apply All instead of Apply Selected.

13. To apply description for multiple mapped accounts, key in the description in the Apply Description field and tick on the checkbox of the selected mapped account to apply the description. Click Apply Selected.


14. Description is applied to selected items.


15. To apply all, click on the Apply All instead of Apply Selected.


FAQ01. What are the mapping dimensions available for each account type?

Each account type can be mapped by the following mapping dimensions. It can be mapped individually (e.g. mapped by Ccy only) or a combination (e.g. Ctpy + Ccy).
–   SSI
–   Ccy
–   Ctpy
–   Portfolio
–   Ctpy + Ccy
–   Portfolio + Ctpy
–   Portfolio + Ccy
–   Portfolio + Ctpy + Ccy

FAQ02. Can different entities have different mapping dimension for one account type?

Yes. Mapping dimension for each account type is entity specific. For example, it is possible that Co.A’s MMK – Loan account is mapped by Ccy whereas Co.B is mapped by Ctpy + Ccy.

FAQ03. Can I do Cash at Bank mapping for a temporary account, e.g. (Temporary SGD) in CS Lucas system?

No. Temporary account is a temporary account that system assigned when there is no default account set up for the transactions booked. Make sure the transaction is assigned for settlement to the desired bank account in order to map the GL account number and post journals.

FAQ04. What is clearing account? E.g. (Clearing SGD), (Clearing USD) etc.

Clearing account is a “system clearing account” created automatically for a trade rollover. In a rollover, CS Lucas system automatically create a new transaction for the rollover trade. The settlement is cleared through a “system clearing account”. To see how this is handled in accounting, see below accounting treatment guides:

MM Full Rollover

MM Partial Rollover

FX Rollover


List of account types for various financial instruments

Accounting Treatments





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