4_14_06_508 – 27 Mar 2019
Issue fixed for not able to display dashboard if one of the dashboard saved on the Welcome page is deleted.

Issue fixed for on click download preference, SSI drop down list was not re-populated based on the accounting centre value saved. Fixes are done in the following areas:
– Rpt1413
– Rpt1418
– Rpt1427
– Rpt1429
– Rpt1431
– Rpt7021
– Rpt7022
– Rpt7023
– Rpt7024
– Actual Cash History
– FX Platform – New Request
– Bank Reconciliation
– Bank Reconciliation – Matched Items
– Bank Reconciliation – Cash Book

4_14_06_507 – 21 Mar 2019
Enhancement to allow import fees and cash transactions.

4_14_06_506 – 15 Mar 2019
Enhancement on reading MT940 message when $ sign is present in the description.

4_14_06_505 – 11 Mar 2019
Issue fixed on report 2013 and 2014 for not displaying blank rows.

4_14_06_504 – 8 Mar 2019
Issue fixed to disable the Update button upon clicking in Amend Cash Settlement screen to prevent multiple clicks which resulted duplicate bank charges being created.

4_14_06_503 – 8 Mar 2019
Issue fixed on report 8035 Bond Portfolio Security for showing duplicate records for the same security.

4_14_06_502 – 4 Mar 2019
Issue fixed on the security price load if market price factor is null for equity.

4_14_06_501 – 7 Feb 2019
Issue fixed on Bloomberg price load for Money Market Fund.

4_14_06_500 – 23 Jan 2019
Issue fixed for not showing newly created SSI on Cash Balance maintenance screen.

Issue fixed for error printing for report 1426 and 1430 due to SQL statement error.

4_14_06_499 – 11 Jan 2019
Enhancement on Operational Forecast to improve performance for populating SSI/SSI group drop down list upon selecting the accounting centre.

4_14_06_498 – 9 Jan 2019
Enhancement to allow trade request for rollover a maturing money market trade.

Enhancement to allow import of a user definable data type user attributes for transactions and enhance validation check that system reference must be unique when saving/ creating user attributes in the system.

4_14_06_497 – 8 Jan 2019
Enhancement to add Administration function for Security Prices and Basis Rates Maintenance.See user guides below:
Security Prices Administration –
Basis Rate Administration –






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