4_14_06_449 – 8 Feb 18
Bug fix on importing bank sweep transactions in Call/Sweep module.

4_14_06_448 – 6 Feb 18
Bug fix on stacked column chart for categories that are jumbled up.

Bug fix on bar chart to show all categories.

4_14_06_447 – 31 Jan 18
Bug fix on Excel export of report 1011 Settlement Accounts Complete – Accounting Centre for not showing Bank Name, Address and EBAddress overlapped in PDF display.

Bug fix on Dashboard duplicate function to append {1} to the Description same as the Short Name.

Bug fix on Corporate Structure set up screen that system is not responding when entity and shareholder is the same.

4_14_06_445 – 24 Jan 18
Enhancement to allow upload list of forecasts from Excel to CS Lucas. See user guide for more details:

4_14_06_444 – 23 Jan 18
Enhancement on Coupon periodic structure screen to allow recomputation of coupon PPM when coupon is changed for the periodic line item.
See user guide for more details:

4_14_06_443 – 17 Jan 18
Enhancement on charting tool to have more pie chart type options as below:
– Pie (Percentage)
– Pie (Amount)
– Pie (Percentage & Amount)

4_14_06_442 – 12 Jan 18
Enhancement on Security Preference screen to allow flag setting for different MMF interest calculation.

4_14_06_441 – 11 Jan 18
Enhancement on Tools to have loan calculator for Annuity type of loan.

4_14_06_440 – 10 Jan 18
Bug fix on access rights checking for Acct Cntr field in the Journals screen.

4_14_06_439 – 9 Jan 18
Bug fix on cash sweep opening balance to exclude activities for deleted SSI.

4_14_06_438 – 3 Jan 18
Enhancement on audit logging for security coupon changes. Audit log snapshot is now stored in file/note for security coupon changes.

Bug fix on Currency Group feature after reinstated.

Bug fix on report 1622, 1623 and 1624 to exclude matured trades and trades that fall outside the time bucket of the reports.

Enhancement on report 1429 Cash Balance by SSI to change the caption from “As At Date” to “From Date”.

Bug fix on Term Loan creation that the first coupon date must be in between the Term Loan’s VDate and MDate.

Bug fix on import for Money Market, Term Loan and Interest Rate Swap to check facility validity at trade VDate or SDate instead of TDate.

Enhancement on FX Rollover screen to disallow delete if the trade has been confirmed.

Enhancement on Portfolio creation screen to check valuation currency is required if accounting centre is selected when creating portfolio.

Bug fix on page error when navigate to Signatory Maintenance screen.

Bug fix on Period End screen to validate to reopen accounting period end in the sequence of latest closed period onwards.

Bug fix on audit log for risk profile tagging when update or import from with existing value to blank.





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