4_14_06_437 – 28 Dec 17
Enhancement to report 8030 Investment Bond Coupon Activity by Date to change the report layout from Landscape to Portrait.

Bug fix on the auto download preference for report 1303 Commodity Hedging Report.

Removed report 8017 from report listing as it is now deprecated.

Enhancement on report 8032 Price Variance Report on the followings:
– Change layout to Portrait
– Change caption for “No. of Shares” to “Position”
– Total Position and P/L Impact columns

4_14_06_436 – 6 Dec 17
Bug fix on bond security coupon that system created additional issued principal line item in the coupon schedule.

4_14_06_434 – 1 Dec 17
Enhancement for 7022 and 7024 report to show the From Date of the time bucket period in the date header (instead of showing the To Date).

Enhancement to update detailed MT940 records to the system.

4_14_06_433 – 28 Nov 17
Enhancement on 3105 and 6007 report to allow filter by portfolio/ group.

Upgrade highcharts from v3.0.6 to v5.0.9.

4_14_06_432 – 17 Nov 17
Enhancement in Cash Settlement to show counterparty reference in the narrative field from transaction details.

Bug fix on no compliance breach prompt when click on the red Book button that appears after a facility limit breach.

Enhancement on Security module for attributes feature.

4_14_06_428 – 8 Nov 17
Enhancement on Interest Rate Swap module to allow to book currency loan swap, a new trade structure with front and back and interim principal exchanges.
See user guide:

4_14_06_426 – 7 Nov 17
Enhancement on Rpt3005 Accounts Mapping By Internal Chart of Account to include Acct Type and Category information.

4_14_06_425 – 7 Nov 17
Bug fix on accounting centre preference not saved for Rpt2024 Money Market Activities Analysis.

4_14_06_424 – 6 Nov 17
New chart enhancement for Forecast FX Exposure Hedging Report.

4_14_06_423 – 6 Nov 17
Enhancement on new forecasting report. Report ID: 7024. Report title: Forecast FX Exposure Hedging. User Access Rights ID: 70325.

Enhancement on Currency Group to allow grouping of currencies.

4_14_06_422 – 3 Nov 17
Bug fix on page error when booking Call/ Sweep interest capitalisation if the Activity type drop down field is blank. Fixed the compliance check code to validate for null pointer if the activity type is blank and skip compliance check.

4_14_06_421 – 26 Oct 17
Enhancement to allow to exclude all or only negative cash from Compliance check result. Set up is done at the Portfolio Preference. See user guide:

4_14_06_420 – 26 Oct 17
Bug fix to disable user to click Book button once is clicked to prevent multiple booking of Call/Sweep transaction.

4_14_06_418 – 23 Oct 17
Bug fix on reading single MT940 message from SWIFT network.

4_14_06_417 – 19 Oct 17
Bug fix on report 1633 when print by alternative rate and fixed the display for base rate and margin.

Enhancement on report 1026 User Permission List to show the user drop down list by Active, Deactivated and Deleted users.

Enhancement to allow import of users with user group assignment. See user guide:

Bug fix on cash settlement – fund transfer letter to have page break after each settlement instruction regardless the payer bank is same or different bank.

Bug fix on system prompt for enterprise expiring in 30 days. See user guide:

Enhancement on Call/Sweep Set Up to allow importing bank sweep group. See user guide:

4_14_06_416 – 9 Oct 17
Enhancement to change parameter “Include MM?” to “Include MM Lend?” with yes and no options in reports 1414, 1415 and 1416.

Bug fix on Term Loan repayment import that the outstanding principal does not reflect correctly after loading into the system.





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