4_14_06_355 – 31 Mar 17
Enhancement to have capability for white labelling the system.

4_14_06_354 – 27 Mar 17
Enhancement on e-Banking for Standard Chartered Bank to 4.14.06 version. E-banking file path is moved from Accounting Centre Preference to Counterparty Preference.

Enhancement to allow integration to DBS IDEAL e-Banking platform.

New “Ctpy Reference” field is added in Foreign Exchange New, Amend and Rollover screens. This information is used for DBS IDEAL e-Banking integration.

Enhancement to allow COA mapping for “Cash At Bank” account type to split by debit and credit.

4_14_06_353 – 22 Mar 17
Bug fix on user group approval issue (user group did not show unapproved) when a dashboard is downloaded from Extension Store and assign permission via Extension Store set up.

Bug fix on issue displaying a properly formed description for user report/ dashboard/ pivot chart access rights in the Assign Permission History screen.

4_14_06_352 – 16 Mar 17
Bug fix on updating issue for SSI’s accounting centre, currency or counterparty where SSI is not part of the bank sweep group member.

4_14_06_351 – 14 Mar 17
Enhancement on the portfolio set up to allow/ restrict the portfolio to be shared across accounting centres. There is now a new field called “Shareable”. By default, “Shareable” is “Yes”. To restrict the portfolio to be shared across accounting centres, set this to “No”.

This applies in Money Market, Money Market reports/scheduled reports, Term Loan, Call/Sweep, Cash Activities, Fees and Cash Transaction module.

4_14_06_350 – 10 Mar 17
Enhancement to allow user to enter annuity amount for system to compute Term Loan constant repayment of principal + interest.

4_14_06_349 – 8 Mar 17
Bug fix on system incorrectly compute the number of days in between two dates if server is on UK time zone.

4_14_06_348 – 7 Mar 17
Enhancement on journal files encryption using AES Crypt and Open PGP Encryption.

4_14_06_347 – 6 Mar 17
Enhancement on Dashboard to allow creation of Stacked Bar chart type.

Enhancement on Dashboard to hide legend if it is a single legend chart.

4_14_06_346 – 2 Mar 17
A new report “Cash Balance Grouped by Currency”.
Category: Reporting: Cash Management, Report ID: 1430, Access Rights: 70321

4_14_06_345 – 2 Mar 17
Bug fix on message send box recipients’ list overlap to the other fields if list is too long.

4_14_06_344 – 1 Mar 17
Bug fix on error encountered when booking Call/Sweep transaction.

Enhancement to allow mandatory Portfolio when booking Money Market and Term Loan transactions.

4_14_06_343 – 28 Feb 17
Enhancement on computing Term Loan stub period interest based on Act(tenor)/Act(period) when accrual method is 30/360. Actual period will be based on the notional previous payment date determined by the frequency.

4_14_06_342 – 28 Feb 17
Bug fix on error computing the rate if tenor falls on last row of rate structure.

4_14_06_341 – 27 Feb 17
Bug fix on import counterparty addresses not imported into the system when additional text is too long.

4_14_06_340 – 24 Feb 17
Enhancement in Investment screen to prompt trade needs to be unconfirmed first before deletion when deleting an Investment trade that has been confirmed.

4_14_06_339 – 17 Feb 17
Bug fix on TL repay accounting treatment 11000803_2 – Term Loan Repay Principal/Interest. P & L booked at SPOT RATE not showing the correct account types for WHT amount.

4_14_06_338 – 17 Feb 17
Enhancement in New Security Price and Import Security Price to have validation check to prevent user from saving security prices for future date.

4_14_06_337 – 14 Feb 17
Bug fix on MM Mature accounting treatment 11000102_2 – Maturity Journal. Interest at spot rate. Revalue Principal at TDate Exc Rate not showing the correct values for WHT amount.

4_14_06_336 – 14 Feb 17
Bug fix for report 1016 Transaction Logs to show only the action types under Transaction Group: User and Permission.

4_14_06_335 – 8 Feb 17
Bug fix on Investment trade quantity entered up to 4 decimal places but system is rounding to 3 decimal places for cumulative quantity which causes a small amount of quantity remaining when selling all.

4_14_06_334 – 7 Feb 17
Bug fix for displaying user guide in the Enterprise Expiry page.

4_14_06_333 – 27 Jan 17
Bug fixed on scheduled report for 2005 Money Market Trade by Counterparty that did not send out because “Counterparty” and “Borrow/Lend” parameters are missing in the scheduled report 2005.

4_14_06_332 – 26 Jan 17
Bug fix on error encountered on Money Market trade booking when a portfolio is not tagged to compliance group, system should not go through compliance check.

4_14_06_331 – 24 Jan 17
Enhancement in report 3107 Call/Sweep Position report to show entity/SSI for bank sweep type.

4_14_06_330 – 16 Jan 17
Bug fix on 1015 Upcoming Settlements report in the backend coding for scheduled report. Example:
There is inconsistency in the scheduled report and report print directly from the system. For non-mandatory Portfolio field, if left blank at frontend, system passed ”. Whereas for backend scheduled report, system is passing ‘*’.

4_14_06_329 – 13 Jan 17
Bug fix on 1639 Debt Maturity Profile Excel Raw Export to reflect the correct fixed/hedged amount when the original IRS trade is matured and renewed to a new IRS trade. Example:
TL (47M) is hedged with 2 IRS (22M, 25M) that matured on 29 Nov 2016. Created another 2 new IRS (22M, 25M) maturing on 29 Jan 2019.
In RPT1639 excel raw on 30 Dec 2016, RPTCCY_FIX_HEDGED column is showing the value of 94M. It does not exclude the 2 IRS that has already matured on 29 Nov 2016.

4_14_06_328 – 12 Jan 17
Enhancement in reading MT940 message to read the account number only if the account number contains SWIFT code prefix. E.g. “DBSSSGSG/”.

4_14_06_327 – 10 Jan 17
Bug fix on 3107 Call/Sweep Position report to show position for bank sweep activities.

4_14_06_326 – 10 Jan 17
Bug fix on unable to print user report when it is calling stored procedure.

4_14_06_325 – 9 Jan 17
Bug fix on Acct Cntr SSI New and Amend screen to always enable the balance update for SSI that is the master of the bank sweep regardless of the “Auto Balance Update” setting.

4_14_06_324 – 9 Jan 17
Bug fix on 8035 Bond Portfolio Duration report for “Division by zero” error if MDate of a bond and As At Date of the report is the same.

4_14_06_323 – 6 Jan 17
Bug fix on Acct Cntr SSI New and Amend screen to allow to enable or disable balance update for SSI that is not a child of the bank sweep.





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