4_14_06_281 – 29 Sep 16
Capability to allow users to customize own user guide and publish to the system.

4_14_06_280 – 29 Sep 16
Cash Deal trade (rollover residual) did not come out in the Trade Flow Control screen if you have assigned with specific individual rights. Bug fix on Trade Flow Control to check for individual authorize/ verify rights for MM rollover cash and FX rollover cash product type.

New standard reports for Accounting.
– Report ID: 3016, Description: Balance Sheet Posted/Unposted Account Items, Access Rights: 70318.
– Report ID: 3017, Description: Income Statement Posted/Unposted Account Period Summary, Access Rights: 70319.
– Report ID: 3018, Description: Period Income Statement Analysis (Posted), Access Rights:70320.

4_14_06_279 – 28 Sep 16
Bug fix on netting letter to not display the settlement instruction when net settlement is 0.

4_14_06_278 – 28 Sep 16
Bug fixes on Attribute function. See CSL22094.

Added Attribute function for Miscellaneous Cash and Interco Funding module. See CSL22121.

4_14_06_277 – 27 Sep 16
Fixed accounting entries for settlement to intercompany to journal as intercompany.

4_14_06_276 – 21 Sep 16
To change the computation of FX Swap utilization to be based on TDate.

4_14_06_275 – 19 Sep 16
Bug fix on incorrect FX rate when booking Foreign Exchange transaction.

4_14_06_274 – 9 Sep 16
Enhancement in Money Market placement and rollover confirmation letters to show fixed deposit account number.

4_14_06_273 – 1 Sep 16
– Bug fixes on the attribute field function. Refer CSL22094.
– Enhancement in SWIFT integration code to read the MT940 messages with ACK.

4_14_06_272 – 16 Aug 16
– Enhancement to include multi-factor authentication feature.

4_14_06_271 – 10 Aug 16
– Enhancement in displaying the compliance result for absolute limit type of compliance rule.

4_14_06_270 – 8 Aug 16
Bug fix on Maintain IRS Structure page.
– When updating the IRS Structure, e.g. rate, the notional principal of the current row that you are amending will be propagated forward. Fixed to not propagate forward.

Bug fix on reset password link in the email sent to users.
– User reported that the Reset Password page is unable to load after click the link from the email received.

4_14_06_269 – 26 Jul 16
– Bug fix on the Fee Amortization computation for coupon amount.

4_14_06_268 – 25 Jul 16
– Bug fix on the average rate computation for individual trade for report 1204 Cost of Funds – Details by Product.
– Bug fix on the display of the Total Derivative Long/Short footer in report 1622 Loan Position Maturity Profile: Underlying/Derivative.

4_14_06_267 – 19 Jul 16
– Enhancement in forget password message send via email.
– Enhancement in Favourite icon.
– Bug fix on a prompt will be shown if the data query has no data.

4_14_06_266 – 19 Jul 16
– Enhancement in enterprise trial sign-up to 2 weeks validity and only 2 users.

4_14_06_265 – 7 Jul 16
– Enhancement in CSL backend enterprise load to include import for forecast section and category, forecast cycle, forecast source, forecast group.

4_14_06_264 – 7 Jul 16
– Enhancement in CSL backend enterprise load to include import for forecast section and category, forecast cycle, forecast source, forecast group and actual cash balance.

4_14_06_263 – 1 Jul 16
– Enhancement to disallow viewing menu bar items if users do not have access rights.





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