4_14_06_244 – 30 Mar 16
Enhancement to allow filter by forecast cycle for report 1418 and 1427.

Bug fix on the journal snapshot when the parameters are changed in journal details.

4_14_06_243 – 24 Mar 16
Bug fix on inconsistency in displaying data in Cash Projection, Fixing Deal and report 1401.
– Cash Projection screen – To display the data for the accounting centre and SSI that are approved only.
– Fixing Deal screen – To display the data for the accounting centre and SSI that are approved only.

4_14_06_242 – 23 Mar 16
Bug fix on java rounding issue on displaying contract rate of a Foreign Exchange trade. Contract rate showing as 69.07000000000001 due to java rounding.

4_14_06_241 – 22 Mar 16
Bug fix to disallow multiple booking for contingent liability trade.

4_14_06_240 – 21 Mar 16
Enhancement on MT940 import and audit logging.

4_14_06_239 – 19 Mar 16
Enhancement in Commodity Hedging module and reports:
– Report 1301 Commodity Swap Open Position
– Report 1302 Commodity Swap Realised Trading

4_14_06_238 – 18 Mar 16
Bug fix on backend data load for the followings:
– Update accessrights for PERMISSION tab
– Make sure account number can be loaded for SSI_ACCTCNTR and SSI_CTPY
– Price for bond to multiply by 100. Update for column (NetProceeds*, GrossProceeds*, BaseGross, BaseNet, ValGross, ValNet) for TRADE_INVEST tab

4_14_06_237 – 17 Mar 16
Enhancement in report 8034 Bond YTM and Duration to prompt user to enter a price if there is no price archived in the system.

4_14_06_236 – 14 Mar 16
Remove IAS 39 field in the Portfolio set up. This field is currently not used anywhere in the system.

4_14_06_235 – 14 Mar 16
Enhancement to check maximum characters (20) for Accounting Centre short name in new accounting centre creation and amendment.

Enhancement to check maximum characters (50) for Facility short name in the Amend Facility screen.

Bug fix on report 1642 Facility Utilisation for incorrectly pull out the facility utilization information for accounting centre that is not selected for printing.

4_14_06_234 – 11 Mar 16
Bug fix on error screen after saving new holiday.

4_14_06_233 – 11 Mar 16
Enhancement to include audit logging for Fixing Deals.

4_14_06_232 – 7 Mar 16
Bug fix on all pages to implement access rights to enhance access control.

4_14_06_231 – 6 Mar 16
A new password profile screen that allows an organization to set password requirements for ensuring appropriate level of password security is used.

Allow to set list of IP addresses from which users can log in to the system.

Email verification code to challenge users when users log in from a new terminal/ device or browser.

Fixed possible security vulnerabilities on infrastructure issues, general application issues and application function issues.

4_14_06_230 – 6 Mar 16
A new report published in CS Lucas Extension Store.
– Intercompany Interest Income and Expenses Report.

4_14_06_229 – 4 Mar 16
Added “Reval Rate” field in Foreign Exchange New and Amend screen to allow users to enter the rate used for revaluation on the Foreign Exchange contract. If this field is left blank, system will use the default rate to revalue.
– For report range 4002-4004 will show the reval rate that the user entered, if any, under the Fwd Rate column.
– For report range 4401-4407 will show the reval rate that the user entered, if any, under the Reval Rate column.
– For accounting, changes are only made to treatment ID 11000203_3, which is our standard accounting treatment for Foreign Exchange contract.

4_14_06_228 – 1 Mar 16
The following new charts are published in CS Lucas extension store.
– Rolling 12M Cashflow Forecasting
– FX – Counterparty Exposure

4_14_06_227 – 24 Feb 16
Report 6002 Outstanding Interest Rate Swap
– Bug fix on the display for interest rate swap schedule for interco accounting centre in the report. The interest rate swap repayment schedule should show the flip side from the principal accounting centre.

4_14_06_226 – 22 Feb 16
New/ Amend/ Import Investment
– Bug fix to disallow negative quantity input during new booking/ amendment and import.

4_14_06_225 – 16 Feb 16
A new forecasting report that compares forecast activities between forecast cycles.
Category: Reporting: Forecasting, Report ID: 7022, Access Rights: 70312

4_14_06_224 – 29 Jan 16
Term Loan
– Enhancement to allow booking next repayments for multiple term loan transactions.

4_14_06_224 – 26 Jan 16
Report 2202 Outstanding Term Loan Listing
– Enhancement to show accrued interest and outstanding principal in the accounting base currency.

4_14_06_222 – 15 Jan 16
View deleted trades in CS Lucas system

– Enhancements to allow to view deleted trades for Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Non-Deliverable Forward, Term Loan and Interest Rate Swap.

4_14_06_221 – 11 Jan 16
Standardize the following Foreign Exchange reports to display rates in 6 decimal places.

Report ID Fields
4002 Book Rates, Fwd Rate
4003 Book Rates, Fwd Rate, Rate %
4004 Book Rates, Fwd Rate, Rate %
4005 ExRate
4006 ExRate
4007 ExRate
4008 ExRate
4010 Contract, Rate, Rate %
4011 Contract, Acc Rate, Rate %
4014 Near Rate, Swap Point, Forward Rate
4016 ExRate

4_14_06_220 – 6 Jan 16
A new inter-company funding report that shows the positions.
Category: Reporting: Interco Funding, Report ID: 3107, Access Rights: 70311

4_14_06_219 – 4 Jan 16
Bug fix on Interco Funding Cumulative screen to show the cumulative details when no basis rates are maintained.





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